Romans’ 34% is ready to share his own house with new guests and the 16% doesn’t exclude to do it in the future. An important step, considering that nowadays for the 78% of people living in Rome the house is still the best place where finding familiarity, wellness and peacefulness, for the 43% is a sentimental good and for the 19% is a property to leave to children.
This is the picture painted by the Osservatorio di Sara Assicurazioni, the Aci’ official insurance company, in the CAWI (computer assisted web interview) study, realized by Nextplora research institute in 2016 on Italian population’s representative sample by age, sex and geographic areas’ amounts.
A growing trend making Rome closer to the other European capitals – where is already an habit – and make easier new friends and living in a different way the most usual places in everyday life. Even though the 57% of people living in Lazio’s county seat fears to receive rude and few respectful guests and the 38% to lose its own privacy.
Somebody still says no
There’s still someone, on the other hand, looking with skepticism to house sharing’s phenomenon and is the 50% of Romans, with the 32% doesn’t trust the people living in their own houses and the 18% tolerating inside the four walls only relatives’ participation.
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