Energetic poverty, Observatory UE was born

Experiences’ exchange at the center of project leaded by Manchester’ University

Light Bulb 3104355 1920Shown at Brussels “Observatory for energetic poverty”, an initiative to link different entities active in Europe regarding an unthinkable phenomenon growing in Europe: daily impossibility or difficulty to cook, warm, cool or light up the ambient where we live in. A bother that superficially seemed defeated in urbanized ambient but in reality is growing, concerning people’ weak slots like elderly, numerous families and others.

How does the Observatory for energetic poverty work?

The Observatory for energetic poverty arises in 2016 coordinated by University of Manchester, in the figures of Dr Harriet Thomson and Professor Stefan Bouzarovski. Is completed with five more partners: Ecofys, European Policy Centre, Intrasoft International, National Energy Action and Wuppertal Institute. With these there are some consortiums like Asociaciòn de Ciencias Ambientales, the Energy Action Project (EnAct), Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and saving, to mention some of them. With the site’ launch, happened yesterday, will be possible to feed the data base with results of investigations and European projects realized until now about energetic poverty’ theme.

The Observatory wants to be a virtual ambient to share data, experiences and methods realized and tested until now, so promoting a synergy  and analysis’ work to elaborate an efficient strategy against energetic poverty’ phenomenon”; explains to Canale Energia Marina Varvesi, project manager in Aisfor, participating the launch of the platform in Brussels, as Italian entity undertaken to fight energetic poverty with two European project: SMART-UP and ASSIST, the last one as project’ coordinator, going to implement observatory’ data. “Having a virtual place where we can share and so find everything made to fight energetic poverty would be useful, if we think that nowadays there’s no a shared definition in Europe of energetic poverty’ concept and we wish for good practice sharing to help arriving quickly to practice solutions, the same asked by destitute people to designated entities daily”.

Energetic Poverty, Italy’s role

Actually an initiative that would promote solution of energetic power poverty’ problem in Europe, requiring cooperation of all the involved in this sector to share data where is necessary a clear exposition about methods and expertise. “ASSIST and SMART-UP projects are already part of registered European initiatives and we’ll use surely the observatory to spread results of researches made publishing all the reports and publications produced” explains Varvesi underlining attendance’ role “We hope all the actors working to fight the phenomenon use this instrument so to make it in a short time actually a repository’ instrument on energetic poverty, useful give support to final user, that is people living fully the problem”.

An initiative that would be able to promote the problem’ solution but, just started, it shows some lacks about a clear declination of methods and proficiencies, of which we hope to have soon a definition so to sustain who, already, lives totally this situation.

At the moment what emerged even from yesterday’s debate in Brussels, is the key role of energy efficiency and knowledge’ diffusion about consumptions and bills. We have only to promote, as much as possible, the propagators’ work” concludes Varvesi.

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Giornalista, video maker, sviluppo format su più mezzi (se in contemporanea meglio). Si occupa di energia dal 2009, mantenendo sempre vivi i suoi interessi che navigano tra cinema, fotografia, marketing, viaggi e... buona cucina. Direttore di Canale Energia; e7, il settimanale di QE ed è il direttore editoriale del Gruppo Italia Energia dal 2014.