The passion overcomes obstacles for Italy that works well

RICICLOThe RAEE collection system expects that Italy will be a key player on the international stage. Based on the data of Ecodom, in seven years 500.000 ton of household waste was collected which prevented 6 M ton of CO2 from emission into the atmosphere.

This is owing to Italy’s solid consortium mechanism, which yet is rooted in a regulatory system that needs modernization:

“It will be very hard to reach the objective of 19 kg/inhabitant by 2019, also between presently we are still at 4 kg – explains Riccardo Pasini, Vice President at ARES whom we met at the presentation of a survey “Let us know the environment” carried out by Adiconsum and Ecodom. We must set up and promote initiatives that will kick-start the system: we have been affected by bureaucratic slowness, it is time to act.”

A kind of disease that occurs to hit Italy ensuing late promulgation of the decrees implementing laws. In the boot-shaped country, the consumer, the pillar of the recycling system also needs encouragement and incentives to understand that recycling may bring significant economic returns, besides the environmental ones: “The effort for the environment involves the entire population. However, part of it is particularly mindful of possible economic effects – Pasini continues. That is why, the industry, the distribution segment and the institutions must introduce those mechanisms, such as coupons or discounts, aimed to encourage also those inhabitants. It is necessary to give it all you have got and to understand that it is worth investing in the sector.”

But the ideal way to favor the inhabitant is simplification: “If the goal is to protect the environment, it is unreasonable to ask for filling in a heap of forms the moment an old electronic device is returned. The tracking is necessary, but it should be provided in a meaningful manner. Suffice it to say that SISTRI (Sistema di Controllo della Tracciabilità dei Rifiuti – Waste Tracking System) was not successful.


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