Industria2It is designed to institutional investors and money savers who want to mate economic return and the chance of supporting sustainable social and environmental development, the new Investmenti Sostenibili (Sustainable Investment) LIFEGATE found, first impact investing found quoted on the stock exchange (ETFPlus list). This instrument – whereof MainStreet Partners is investment advisor – is the result of LifeGate, green sector’s consulting company and Sella Gestioni SGR, Sella Bank Group asset management company, partnership.


What are this fund’s features? First of all, as explained by a note, not only keeps out financial instruments emerged by a little ethical sectors’ involved companies or from dictatorial sovereign states’, but invests in environmental, social and governance cases’ focused instruments (selected with ESG analysis), able to produce positive impact. Moreover, one more distinguished part is the fact that Investimenti Sostenibili LIFEGATE, from the very beginning, identifies sustainable developing theme areas to invest on. In particular we identified 6 priority areas: Environmental Support, Finance admission, Healthcare, Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Building and Education. For each of these sectors, we select projects creating social and environmental impact level’ virtuous systems. To show fund’s transparency and concreteness, we choose to realize an Impact Report, an yearly published evaluation to show environmental and social reached targets, thanks to the investments made in the chosen fields.

Global scenario shows the consequences of development implicating resources’ depletion and social inequalities – as Gruppo Lifegate ceo Enea Rovedaanalyzes – Always Lifegate fosters the change, putting people at the heart of life’ choices tied up with sustainability values. Finance and saving are elements completing this trial. Giving tangible instruments to people to address their investments may concretely subsidize to the future with a sustainable global economy, respecting people and ambient”.

Even Sella Gestioni SGR CEO Nicola Trivelli is satisfied, saying:” We finally created market conditions to propose an efficient investment and accessible to any investor giving ambient attention and social as performance’ driver. Succeeding to get involved on this project a wider and wider clientele thanks to the stock exchange listening and with a partner sharing with us elements like social and ambient attention, professionalism and transparency is a great satisfaction’s element”. On the same side listing ETFplus Manager Silvia Bosoni, underling the steady growth of this kind of product interest. “ We’re very proud to host, for the very first time, in Italian Stock Exchange ETFplus market a sustainable investment fund – explained Bosoni in note – Appeal towards these products grows steadily among Italian investors: with this fund’s pricing now we make available on Italian Stock Exchange a product to improve efficacy and performance during the time of investment, without ignoring social and environmental progression”.

Italian people interested about green investments

Generally, Italian market, following a research made by Eumetra Monterosa Institute in October 2016, is sensitive and interested to this kind of instruments. In particular, 30% of Italian people aged between 25 and 34 years heard about investments with particular attention on social and environmental sustainability, 17% has interest to this kind of investment and 68% of Italian people, with equal performance, prefers sustainability shaped investments.

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