“Less severely disabled people need a much more advanced automation system compared to the severely disabled,” according to the reports of Angelo Davalli, Eng., training manager and manager in charge assistance technology projects at the Center of Prostheses of INAIL (National Institute for Industrial Accident Insurance), of Vigorso di Budrio (province of Bologna), in a press release issued by BTicino.
Actually, the home automation solutions are mostly applied in the case of a moderate level of disability. Mr. Davalli explains “that more severely disabled people do not need home automation solutions to such an extent, as there are always assisted by care givers or relatives, although we should not ignore the fact that small actions performed independently are very important.” Home automation may support those who usually look after the severely disabled, as “a well-designed system may be of great help to the family and helpers and it definitely improves people’s quality of life” underlines Davalli.
In general, thinking of home automation as a specific support for a disabled person entails the need that the technological devices at home should be designed as a synergic element o in the context of a house integrated into the environment. For this reason, the Center of Prostheses of INAIL has been in partnership with Bticino since 2004, and the company participates directly in some of the institution’s research projects.
INAIL at its work applies a procedure which following an inspection, provides for reporting the grade of technology of required by the patient that is “the technological level to support the patient” and the environment in which he-she lives. On that basis a home automation project adapted to a specific patient is structured. “The structures intended for the contact with the user must be able to integrate and allow for an extent of independence of a disabled person: thus the environment and the technologies adopted have to be personalized based on the needs of the user and possibly his/her relatives.”
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