DIGIRinnovabili, photovoltaic SEU on the web

SEUThe second report of DIGIRinnovabili analyzes the development of the on-line search for the photovoltaic market. In general, as briefly presented on the graphs enclosed, the on-line search relating to the photovoltaic sector is shifting to a single word: photovoltaic or solar (incorrectly understood as photovoltaic, not as solar thermal); approaching to the keyword kit or do-it-yourself.

To be more precise, whereas in 2007 Photovoltaic and Solar accounted for around 90% of the sector’s share, around the year 2010 the keywords began to be more refined with: Solar Panel, Photovoltaic Panel, Photovoltaic Incentive.

Currently, the new keywords that characterize the on/line search of the sector are more complex and they outline more precise niches. 


The types of inquiries that the users enter in the search engine are as follows: best panel – inverter, panel quality price – inverter, major production, producers – installers comparison. In turn the macro topic of “do-it-yourself” includes: photovoltaic do it yourself, how to build a photovoltaic panel, how to build a photovoltaic kit, how to install a photovoltaic panel.

In this area also the keyword “kit” is widely searched for: photovoltaic kit, photovoltaic kit 3kw, kit installation on-grid.

The increasingly popular sector is “the Off grid” and thus the trend for inquiries related to the Stand alone, for campers and chalets goes up faster than the macro areas listed above.

All of this defines an extremely important market change. It indicates the present willingness of the clients to use the photovoltaic product on a broader scale rather than a niche product. For this reason the users search for information related to installation by themselves or purchase of ready-made kits to be installed also on-grid. 

Also the keyword “storage” is very popular, which is mainly related to the grandiose statements on innovative batteries of global giants such as: Apple, Tesla, Google and the like; whereas the keyword “SEU” (Sistemi Efficienti di Utenza – Efficient Systems for Users) is not so successful. Such search, numerically speaking, are negligible and are reported only as a “longtail key.” It is assumed that for the time being only the sector’s operators reveal interest in such information, as it is a type of supply that needs time to be embraced by the final users

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