Energy’ waste reflects time, passion, creativity and talent’s waste: the energy of any single person. This is the message thrown, at the end of November, by E.ON with #odiamoglisprechi (wehatewastes) promotional campaign, using different communication channels, digital and paper, and social media. This campaign’ last bastion was the historic club Radetzky in Milan, at Moscova area, “upholstered with ice”, making very curious digital and real people, using a concept created with M&C Saatchi agency in Milan.
“Waste reduction and everyone energy consumption’ optimization are getting more and more important between Italian people. However we have to match this demand with suitable knowledge about actions and solutions really allowing to efficiently manage everyone’s consumptions”, as E.ON’ CEO Peter Ilyes commented in a note.
Beyond achieving more reliability to consumer’s eyes, as written on the statement, the operator try to help consumers on optimizing advantages about energy resources’ economic management throw fair and clear information, showing the energy informed consumption’s benefits. To make users energy resources saving’s virtuous engines, we have to make all the subjects involved in the market’s deregulation currently underway, “operators like us included. It may seem paradoxical for an energy producing company to invite for lower consumption, but this is our real objective. We listen to customer needs to give them the most appropriate innovative solutions to reduce and optimize electric energy and gas consumption”, as Ilyes specified.
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