Energy Efficiency, new term in Treccani Encyclopedia

Eff 23112015The term “Efficienza Energetica”(Energy Efficiency) comes in Treccani Encyclopedia, historical reference in Italian language. The item, that is in the 9th attachment of Italian’s Encyclopedia of Letters, Sciences and Arts, is spitted in four analytic paragraphs: Efficiency inflected about the energetic policy, Efficiency and economic development, energetic efficiency’ Technology, Italian law Evolution.


The term will let us understand the kind of technological solutions nationally available to save energy and money and what is the Italian regulatory environment of the reference for the ones promoting efficiency’ participations. In addition, plans and chart help to make clear the potentiality of frontiers’ technologies used in civil, industrial and transportation industries.

The item’s addiction was handled by branch technician Nino Di Franco, deputy manager of ENEA’s Energy efficiency department.

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